
NMG/MYP Sustainability Committee

“Sustainemunity” is the term we use at NMG/MYP to wrap all three segments of our sustainable business plan under one umbrella (Sustainable, Engaged, Community).  Sustainability is more than being an eco-friendly business, it includes our employees, our community, the environment and being a fair, ethical and responsible employer.

At NMG/MYP, we’ve mapped out our strategy into an “organizational chart” of 9 interwoven categories of sustainability. This visual representation of our strategy allows us to easily explain what initiatives fall under this umbrella, their benefits and how many of them serve multiple categories. This chart also provides an ongoing record of our wins and successes that we can continue to build on each year.

The NMG/MYP Sustainemunity Team is comprised of employee volunteers from different departments and locations throughout the company. These volunteers serve for one year and work collaboratively on goals or projects for that season. The team’s purpose is to make recommendations to the company regarding policies, initiatives and events to promote an engaged, sustainable community.

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Corporate Sustainability Report 2020